what’s the secret to a long-lasting manicure?

here are 8 proven ways to have your at-home manicure last longer

preparation tips

here is an easy pro tip…. shape your nails then wash and dry your nails before painting. the oils from your face, etc can cause the polish to adhere less. and the shavings can create little flakes on your nails that you don’t see until you start painting.

not many people know this: filing your nails back and forth can be extremely damaging for your nails. 😬 filing in this motion weakens and frays the tip of the nail, making it very easy for them to break & split. although it might be a little more time consuming, it is very important to file each nail in only one direction to make sure they stay strong.

we hear this question a lot: “what even is base coat & do I actually need it?? 🤷‍♀️” we have a longer answer that we will share in another blog. but for now… we will say this👉 buffing down the ridges to match the rest your nail plate, actually thins your nail plate to match the thinnest, weakest portions of your nail!

base coat is a much healthier alternative to buffing. base coat fills in those ridges, giving you a smooth surface to paint on. and because our formula includes coconut 🥥and castor bean oil it deeply moisturizes your nail, keeps your nail from any staining, and helps your manicure last longer. 

application tips

the first coat is most important — paint your first coat SUPER thin and let it dry completely before applying your second coat. never put your polish on too thick or too fast. either of these mistakes will cause your manicure to not last. ⚠️ applying a thick layer of polish is a guaranteed way to have a smudged, easy-to-chip manicure⚠️

applying your second coat helps lock in the color. seal the polish at the tip of your finger nail by gliding the brush across the tip of your nail. this will keep a lot of premature chipping at bay.

after your second coat drys completely, apply a single layer of clear top coat. this will help provide added protection and shine. lots of people have asked our customers if their nails were professionally done because our top coat has a classic, perfect shine.

our final note is this…. enjoy the process. slow down. you get to enjoy this quiet time. read the devotional, listen to the worship playlist while you paint your nails and reflect on His goodness.🤍 you are so loved. Jesus will meet you in this time. just find rest.

want more? watch our how-to video


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