Step 1. read the devotional
Step 2. listen to the worship playlist & paint your nails
Step 3. let your nails be a reminder

One day, I noticed something interesting on a rose bush. On the same stem, one rose was pale and thin, while the other was vibrant and strong. I thought to myself, "How could these two roses look so different growing on the same stem?" So I googled it and learned that stress, transition, change, and outward elements can affect the health of one flower and not affect the others. The others are unaffected because they have more nutrients stored up - this helps them maintain their color through any type of stress, transition, change, and outward elements.

Sounds a lot like us, right? We are vibrant when things are going well, but we tend to lose our color when we’re worried or stressed. We need to nourish ourselves in God’s Word and abide in Him so we can be vibrant and strong when life gets hard.

The vibrant glow of color in your life is not the result of your effort. It is the result of abiding in God and storing up His Word in your heart so you can bear fruit and keep your color in every circumstance!

Let this be your reminder ”As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in God.” John 15:4

Writer: Meg
Reminder Founder



